How to Maintain a Compressor with Diesel Drive Power

How to Maintain a Compressor with Diesel Drive Power
Diesel compressor is a machine that generates air pressure with its driving force from diesel. Because the driving force is diesel, the maintenance points are different from electric compressors.

Compressor maintenance is divided into daily maintenance, every 500 working hours, 1000 working hours, 2000 working hours and maintenance every 3000 working hours based on the compressor's operational hour meter.

Diesel compressors are not used for industry but are used for project / plant sites as one of the movable assets and the shape is made portable so that it is easy to move.

Work Instructions for Caring for a Diesel Compressor

1. How to maintain a diesel compressor every day

Warming up the compressor unit following compressor operational testing takes about 15 minutes. Check several parameters such as hourmeter, fuel, temperature, wind pressure and the physical condition of the diesel compressor. The hour meter functions to determine the number of working hours of the diesel compressor.

The standard temperature for a diesel engine is around 70⁰C when it is operational, resulting in a compressor pressure ranging from 70 - 80 Psi.

Clean the diesel compressor body.

2. How to maintain diesel compressor every 500 hours

Replacement of engine oil, engine oil filter, compressor oil, compressor oil filter, radiator water and diesel filter.

Clean the air filter element

Check battery condition.

3. How to maintain diesel compressor every 1000 hours

Clean the outside and inside of the radiator, lubricate the pins per chassis, clean the outside of the cooling oil and replace the speed regulator diaphragm.

4. How to maintain diesel compressor every 2000 hours

Clean the inside of the fuel tank, replace the oil separator, replace the pressure regulator, replace the nylon tube, check the fuel hose.

5. How to maintain diesel compressor every 3000 hours

Replacement of radiator hoses, diaphragm unloader regulators, vacuum relief diaphragm faucets, replacement of oring vacuum relief faucets. Check the condition of the rubber hose, check the auto relief diaphragm faucet, clean the butterfly faucet (unloader).

Every implementation of periodic maintenance of diesel compressors, spare parts for replacement must use original / recommended spare parts.

The problem is distinguishing original spare parts or non-original spare parts is not easy. Maintenance must be observant when receiving new spare parts from suppliers in order to get the right goods.

The following is an example of a case where replacing diesel compressor oil led to a big problem

Compressor oil has been provided in the form of a drum and has been inspected by the user. Oil identity sticker affixed to the drum. Compressor oil change is based on the due date at the hour meter interval. Finished. Diesel compressors were brought to the project in the middle of the sea for the work of cleaning oil tankers.

In about 2 months of half of the project work, the diesel compressor could not be operated because the compressor oil turned into sludge. Furthermore, the diesel compressor is returned to the factory for inspection by the technician who made the diesel compressor.

The results of the inspection stated that several spare part components in the machine were badly damaged causing a new replacement to be needed. The final calculation, the company must pay a large amount, half the price of a new diesel compressor so that the diesel compressor returns to normal.

From the technical investigation, it is assumed that the use of compressor oil is not original / recommended oil.

Information from the vendor technician that the original compressor oil is not in a drum package but in a pail package. This information is not known to the purchasing department or the user so it can be used by irresponsible parties.

Returning to the maintenance of diesel compressors, maintenance of non-engine equipment as a complement to diesel compressors is carried out by washing them after use to neutralize environmental influences from the project site such as sea salt content attached to the equipment.

Then coat the surface of the equipment using special chemical fluids such as rust remover and you can also use oil so that the equipment is corrosive resistant. Some non-machine equipment needs to be wrapped in stretch film followed by arrangement in an identity storage basket and a list of equipment stored in each basket.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Diesel Compressors

Compressor engines are divided into 2 types, namely gasoline engines using gasoline and diesel engines using diesel fuel. Diesel engines are only used for large-sized compressors with large cylinders, while small-sized compressors use gasoline engines.

A. Advantages of Diesel Engines Compared to Gasoline Engines

Compressor diesel engines are more fuel efficient. But the cost calculation can be comparable because the compressor diesel engine uses non-subsidized industrial diesel fuel. Except for using subsidized diesel fuel, it will definitely be cost-effective.

Diesel engines are capable of producing large power / volume of air output so large cylinder size compressors always use diesel engines because the process of moving the compressor blower and filling large cylinder sizes requires great power.

How to care for a diesel engine compressor as described above is very easy and simple, different from how to care for a gasoline engine compressor, which is complicated and has a lot to check.

Example: periodic maintenance of a diesel engine that needs to be checked is the wind filter, fuel filter, radiator, regular engine oil changes. While the gasoline engine has many parts that must be checked such as the carburetor, air filter, spark plugs for the electrical part.

The compressor diesel engine electrical system is very simple, even for a diesel engine as a compressor driving motor, there is no electrical system because the diesel engine combustion system results from fuel being injected into the high temperature combustion chamber so that the fuel will burn by itself.

Unlike the gasoline engine, the process of burning fuel in the combustion chamber is exposed to sparks from the spark plug so that it automatically requires an electrical system.

Diesel engines are water resistant because diesel engines have a slight electrical system, different from gasoline engines which are more sensitive to water due to the spark plug electrical system.

Diesel engines can be relied upon because they are designed to be strong and sturdy compared to gasoline engines so that the material strength of the diesel engines themselves is much stronger than gasoline engines.

B. Disadvantages of Diesel Engines Compared to Gasoline Engines

Diesel engine exhaust gas looks thick black because diesel fuel contains lubricant and when diesel fuel burns automatically the lubricant burns to produce thick black smoke.

Diesel engines have high compression ratios which cause quite a bit of vibration. This vibration often causes the compressor engine mount to break / break easily and makes the diesel engine compressor fuel tank not durable because it often breaks, so it must be diligently controlled and welded.

Diesel engines produce loud and noisy sounds that are disturbing what's more if used at night the sound is very annoying.

The diesel engine is designed with a strong and sturdy construction, so its size is much larger even though it has the same cylinder capacity so that with its large size the diesel engine takes up more space.

The construction of a diesel engine must be strong and sturdy, so the materials used to construct the engine must also be strong and good, causing the price of a diesel compressor engine to be much more expensive for the same engine size and capacity.
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