Here questions may start to arise, including: Is periodic IP CCTV maintenance necessary? Isn't periodic IP CCTV maintenance free maintenance?
The answer is if one of 3 conditions is found in the IP CCTV placement area:
- There is high vibration / vibration due to the machine process
- There is a high volume of dust resulting from the production process
- There is a high corrosive level due to the chemical production processSo, it is certain that periodic IP CCTV maintenance is mandatory to prevent IP CCTV work interruptions and severe damage.

IP CCTV periodic maintenance procedures
Periodic maintenance of IP CCTV is carried out by 2 to 3 maintenance workers including 1 person watching in front of the monitor and others as executors of periodic maintenance unless accessed via smartphone only requires 1 person.
IP CCTV periodic maintenance equipment:
- Computer with internet access or smartphone.
- Stairs / electric elevators
- Work equipment and rags
- Personal protective equipment (PPE) such as full body harness, safety helmets, safety shoes, respirator masks
- Handy Talky (HT) or other means of communication.
- Paintbrush
- IP CCTV periodic maintenance report formPeriodic IP CCTV maintenance intervals are carried out at least once every 2 weeks.
Clean the camera lens using a rag and brush, followed by cleaning the IP CCTV body and double-checking the tightness of the IP CCTV camera support bolts.
Use the electric elevator / ladder to reach the camera and pay attention to the surroundings for safety. Clean the camera panel outside and inside and check the cables and connections to the IP CCTV hub switch.
Login to the CCTV IP site using this CCTV IP address, enter your username and password. While 1 other person is on standby in front of the CCTV IP monitoring monitor / computer.
Turn on the camera power. Make sure the switch hub indicator and panel indicator are on.
The computer monitor will display an image of the camera shooting area. When the picture is clear, take a picture by means of a print screen then print half a page as an attachment to the report and documentation, the top of the page is in the form of a screen shot of the picture and the bottom of the page contains the report.
Periodic maintenance of 1 set of IP CCTV takes about 1 hour. If there are 7 sets of IP CCTV, a full day of periodic maintenance is needed so that in periodic IP CCTV maintenance intervals every 2 weeks, only a maximum of 70 sets of IP CCTV.
More than 70 IP CCTV sets need to consider adding human resources or reviewing periodic maintenance intervals, whether to make it 2 weeks by looking at conditions.
CCTV IP communication uses a minimum speed of 5 Mbps Static IP so that the video runs smoothly without buffering and can be accessed outside the factory, for example at the head office outside the city.
Difference between IP CCTV and Analog CCTV
IP CCTV can only be accessed through an internet browser with a certain address on a desktop computer, laptop or cell phone.
The image from the IP camera receiver will be in the form of data and transmitted over the internet network using the Internet Protocol. IP CCTV resolution is 10,000 × 20,000 pixels and produces a maximum image of 800 pixels as video output.
Analog CCTV relies on analog signals as a medium for transmitting video recorder data to the main viewer.
The best image quality of analog CCTV is still inferior to the quality of even the lowest IP CCTV because the maximum resolution of analog CCTV cameras has not reached half a megapixel at this time, while the resolution of IP CCTV is between 1 to 3 megapixels.
IP CCTV can take 2 times the angle of the image from analog CCTV.
Analog CCTV only stores recordings for a few moments while IP CCTV can store recordings for up to 30 days so that the video analysis process is easy to do.
Analog CCTV has a lot of hardware and cables as well as DVR configuration constraints with each analog CCTV connected. While IP CCTV only sets the switch, it will be directly transferred to the Network Video Recorder (NVR).
Types of CCTV IPs
Based on communication media:
There are 2 types of IP CCTV, namely IP CCTV using a data cable and IP CCTV wireless. The use of wireless IP CCTV is very efficient because it reduces spending on the budget for purchasing data cables and power cables.
Based on centralization:
There are 2 types of CCTV IP, namely centralized CCTV IP and decentralized CCTV IP.
Network Video Recorder (NVR) is used in centralized IP CCTV to record video and manage recorded alarms/events, while decentralized IP CCTV does not require a Network Video Recorder because it stores recordings directly in the unit using storage media such as an SD card.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) IP CCTV
IP CCTV has artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence) so that it can help with surveillance tasks and improve security. The more complete the IP CCTV artificial intelligence, the higher the price. The following is the IP CCTV artificial intelligence:
IP CCTV will automatically zoom if there is movement or pass through a predetermined "area" and will return to the original point of view if IP CCTV does not detect any movement. Live settings in the Smart Zoom settings to activate it.
With smart zoom IP CCTV can see an event in more detail and can reduce the number of CCTV units to carry out remote and close-range surveillance.
IP CCTV has face detection to distinguish movement "objects". When someone passes by, IP CCTV zooms right into the person's face and follows his movements. At that time, animals such as dogs did not zoom and track.
IP CCTV has smooth and smart auto tracking capabilities. Captured objects are always placed in the middle of the camera and are able to follow the speed of their movement. Including all areas caught on camera, even in the farthest corner will be the auto tracking area.
IP CCTV has CDS Sensor and Image Comparison technology as smart light control to solve the problem of minimal to dark lighting so that the camera results remain sharp, clear and don't lose detail.
IP CCTV has Mechanical IR Filter technology so that it can display bright and sharp images in very high lighting conditions.
An illustration of IP CCTV periodic conservation procedures and the outfit used in their conservation follows a review of the differences between IP CCTV and analog CCTV, several types of IP CCTV and forms of artificial intelligence that are included in IP CCTV.
Then questions may start to arise, including.
- Is periodic IP CCTV conservation necessary?
- Is not periodic IP CCTV conservation free conservation?
- There's high vibration/ vibration due to the machine process.
- There's a high volume of dust performing from the product process.
- There's a high sharp position due to the chemical product process.
IP CCTV equipped with infra- red is designed to be suitable to take filmland in areas with high dust attention, for illustration the process of a clincher machine with a dust collector isn't good as shown in the picture below. clincher machine with a dust collector isn't good IP CCTV periodic conservation procedures Periodic conservation of IP CCTV is carried out by 2 to 3 conservation workers including 1 person watching in front of the examiner and others as delegates of periodic conservation unless penetrated via smartphone only requires 1 person.
IP CCTV periodic conservation outfit Computer with internet access or smartphone. Stairs/ electric elevators Work outfit and rags particular defensive outfit (PPE) similar as full body harness, safety helmets, safety shoes, respirator masks Handy Talky (HT) or other means of communication.
Paintbrush IP CCTV periodic conservation report form Periodic IP CCTV conservation intervals are carried out at least formerly every 2 weeks.
Make sure before starting work, the IP CCTV power condition is out to avoid the threat of conservation staff being electrocuted.
Clean the camera lens using a rag and encounter, followed by drawing the IP CCTV body and double- checking the miserliness of the IP CCTV camera support bolts.
Use the electric elevator/ graduation to reach the camera and pay attention to the surroundings for safety.
Clean the camera panel outdoors and outside and check the lines and connections to the IP CCTV mecca switch.
Login to the CCTV IP point using this CCTV IP address, enter your username and word.
While 1 other person is on buttress in front of the CCTV IP monitoring examiner/ computer.
Turn on the camera power. Make sure the switch mecca index and panel index are on. The computer examiner will display an image of the camera firing area.
When the picture is clear, take a picture by means of a print screen also publish half a runner as an attachment to the report and attestation, the top of the runner is in the form of a screen shot of the picture and the bottom of the runner contains the report.
Periodic conservation of 1 set of IP CCTV takes about 1hour.However, a full day of periodic conservation is demanded so that in periodic IP CCTV conservation intervals every 2 weeks, only a outside of 70 sets of IP CCTV, If there are 7 sets of IP CCTV. further than 70 IP CCTV sets need to consider adding mortal coffers or reviewing periodic conservation intervals, whether to make it 2 weeks by looking at conditions.
CCTV IP communication uses a minimal speed of 5 Mbps stationary IP so that the videotape runs easily without softening and can be penetrated outside the plant, for illustration at the head office outside the megacity.
Difference between IP CCTV and Analog CCTV IP CCTV can only be penetrated through an internet cybersurfer with a certain address on a desktop computer, laptop or cell phone.
The image from the IP camera receiver will be in the form of data and transmitted over the internet network using the Internet Protocol. IP CCTV resolution is,000 ×,000 pixels and produces a maximum image of 800 pixels as videotape affair.
Analog CCTV relies on analog signals as a medium for transmitting videotape archivist data to the main bystander.
The stylish image quality of analog CCTV is still inferior to the quality of indeed the smallest IP CCTV because the maximum resolution of analog CCTV cameras has not reached half a megapixel at this time, while the resolution of IP CCTV is between 1 to 3 megapixels. IP CCTV can take 2 times the angle of the image from analog CCTV.
Analog CCTV only stores recordings for a many moments while IP CCTV can store recordings for over to 30 days so that the videotape analysis process is easy to do. Analog CCTV has a lot of tackle and lines as well as DVR configuration constraints with each analog CCTV connected.
While IP CCTV only sets the switch, it'll be directly transferred to the Network Video Archivist (NVR). Types of CCTV IPs Grounded on communication media There are 2 types of IP CCTV, videlicet IP CCTV using a data string and IP CCTV wireless.
The use of wireless IP CCTV is veritably effective because it reduces spending on the budget for copping data lines and power lines.
Grounded on centralization There are 2 types of CCTV IP, videlicet centralized CCTV IP and decentralized CCTV IP. Network Video Archivist (NVR) is used in centralized IP CCTV to record videotape and manage recorded admonitions events, while decentralized IP CCTV doesn't bear a Network Video Archivist because it stores recordings directly in the unit using storehouse media similar as an SD card.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) IP CCTV IP CCTV has artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence) so that it can help with surveillance tasks and ameliorate security.
The more complete the IP CCTV artificial intelligence, the advanced the price. The following is the IP CCTV artificial intelligence IP CCTV will automatically zoom if there's movement or pass through a destined" area" and will return to the original point of view if IP CCTV doesn't descry any movement.
Live settings in the Smart Zoom settings to spark it. With smart drone IP CCTV can see an event in further detail and can reduce the number of CCTV units to carry out remote and close- range surveillance.
IP CCTV has face discovery to distinguish movement" objects". When someone passes by, IP CCTV zooms right into the person's face and follows his movements.
At that time, creatures similar as tykes didn't zoom and track. IP CCTV has smooth and smart bus shadowing capabilities. Captured objects are always placed in the middle of the camera and are suitable to follow the speed of their movement.
Including all areas caught on camera, indeed in the furthest corner will be the bus shadowing area. IP CCTV has CDS Detector and Image Comparison technology as smart light control to break the problem of minimum to dark lighting so that the camera results remain sharp, clear and do not lose detail.
IP CCTV has Mechanical IR Filter technology so that it can display bright and sharp images in veritably high lighting conditions.
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